How do I MOD the model 4 with the auber PID?


New member
I just got my model 4 yesterday and can not find anything anywhere on how to do the MOD for the auber PID. Can anyone help?
Welcome MrMoody, and congratulations on the Big Daddy!!  You've got yourself the biggest kid on the block!  I encourage you to check out the "Auber Tips and Tricks" section of the forum (on the All Things Smoked page).  You'll learn lots about the Auber there.  As far as how to hook it up; you don't actually have to modify the smoker, unless you want to go above 250 degrees.  Otherwise, follow the instruction sheet that comes with the Auber, or check this:

Here's a great post on bypassing the controller, if you want full temp control over 250:

Tell us about you and your #4 in the Introductions section when you can!  We're here to help and share!
Sarge I keep telling myself it's how you use your smoker that really counts :-\

Welcome... I bet you could smoke a whole hog in a #4!!!!
Keep telling yourself that, Steve, if it makes you feel better about yourself.  :o  It's ok, I'm jealous too. ;)
So right, Dave!  I can't wait to read about his first smoke of 4 briskets, 2 pork butts, and a rack of ribs - all at the same time! ;D
Don't forget to change your signature.  I can throw out some suggestions.
Model 4 owner
One of the few
Or even
Envy of all who like smoke
Congrats on the #4, I too am jealous!

Hello all, thank you for the info and suggestions.  I decided not to mod it thanks to the point made of not needing to unless I want to go over 250 degree's and anything over that is not ideal for smoking in my opinion so I won't be doing it. I was under the assumption it needed the MOD because a friend of mine with the model #3 said so. As for smoking I have not got to fire it up yet due to damage to the auber probes caused by shipping and also due to the 70 plus hours I'm working per week. But I will have replacements on the 13 and when I do finally get to fire it up I will make sure to let you all know and I will be making a proper introduction when I get time away from work. This thing is pretty amazing in size. I have not tried to fit them but it looks like I can fit 10 turkeys in it lol. I got a turkey I have been wanting to smoke. Also living in the great northwest seafood is plentiful and fresh. I may be doing some smoked oysters in it..... ribs. Brisket.  Pork butt, chicken..... so on. Lol anyways thanks again and you will be hearing back from me and the big daddy of smokers.
Make sure you take notes on what you're smoking, temp, outside temp, type/amount of wood, time, etc.  If it works once, you will want to repeat.  If it doesn't work well, you want to adjust. After a while, you can pretty much stop the note taking.

Happy smoking.
Not much you can't smoke in these, mrmoody!  Heck, I've even smoked bricks!  ;D (not to eat...just for some temp tests, but they smelled good enough to eat!). 

Looking forward to the: (hum 12 Days of Christmas) "10 turkeys gobbling, 9 briskets mooing, 8 chickens clucking, 7 racks a ribbing, 6 pork butts squeeling, 5 loins a brining, 4 fatties smoking, 3 ducks a quacking, 2 salmon entree's, and a Big Pot of BBQ Sauce!" ;D  ...I suspect you'll be able to smoke all of these at once!

Ok, maybe not some of my better work, but it just came to me due to the sheer size! ;)  Good luck with your first smokes!  If you need help with the Auber, just let us know.
... sometimes you need the mod even if you don't want to go over 250 F.

For example in the #3, I twice got into the mode where the rack temp measured by the Auber was different than the stock temperature probe from the SI3.  This mainly had to do with the position of the meat, water pan, and others. In this case, the Auber controller was competing against the stock controller (and the stock controller won).

For me, I the put in a switch to only "bypass" whenver something funky like this occurs. You have a good point.... with the #4 you may-never-encounter this as there is enough room in that dog gone thing for my truck!!!!

So, I would say you are RIGHT. If you never find it to be an issue... don't bypass... save yourself the time. If you find yourself in a competition where your Auber won't go over 140F or so and you notice the "green LED" is ON commanding the SI to power up AND the red stock LED is off... you know you are into some controller "I'm smarter than you competition."  ;-)

Good luck.