Extra Smoke?


New member
Hey All,

I know you wouldn't do this procedure for smoking meat and poultry, but how about other food?

**Here's what I'm talking about**

Has anyone ever put a glass jar or a canning jar over the smoke hole for the smoker to retain smoke a little longer?
You know, turn the jar on it's open end and place it over the smoke hole to capture and make the smoker hold the smoke.

Example:Smoking cheese...get the smoker up to the temp, smokes going good, turn off smoker and hold in smoke.
Steaks..same thing. Get that great smoke flavor and finish them on the grill.  How about smoking nuts and sausages?

What say ye, the Smokin it Smoker folks.
Smoldering wood needs to breathe to produce the proper smoke for smoking. Once you start suffocating the source it will start to produce a thick nasty white smoke. For cheese and other things, people cold smoke, by placing a plate of sort between the heating element and the food. Other devices route the exhaust to a separate box where the food is placed so it only gets smoke and not the heat from the element. The smokin-it units are some of the most efficient smokers I have seen so I don't know why you would need to retain more smoke.

Grimm is spot on about the suffocation factor.  Meat only accepts minimal smoke flavor after 140 degrees so I'd offer  that finishing on the grill is still viable only approaches this threshold.