Took up smoking this weekend


New member
Got my #2 about a week ago, and got to try it out for Father's day. Made a couple split turkey breasts (6 or so lbs total), rubbed with mayonnaise and rub recipe from another site, 3 oz. hickory dowels. 225F (stabilized at 234F finally) for 4.5 hours, finished about 1 AM  :-\ due to getting started late. Used the RT-732 dual-probe thermo that everyone here either loves or hates... It came out really awesome! Only thing to improve would be to crisp the skin a bit afterwards in the broiler; I deliberately didn't crisp, just to test out the 'raw' smoker. Still some of the finest bird we've ever had. May use a bit more wood next time, but very happy with the first attempt! - Ken
Congratulations on the first run with your #2.  I am not sure what you mean by stabilizing the temp, though.  I find the temp in the smoker swings by about 25 degrees above and below the set point (ie, if I set the temp for 225, then the temp varies from 200 to 250 during the smoke).  I don't really worry about this since it averages over time to 225.
I was kind of expecting the temp. swings you mention, but I noticed at the end of the smoke, the temperature stayed at 234F for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time, perhaps 1/2 hour, as the meat temp. slowly crept up. I did think that was pretty unusual. However, the results were great, so I guess that speaks for itself. Looking forward to more of this, mostly on weekends when I'm not committed to being elsewhere. Likely means I'll only get 3 or 4 smokes in this summer, but winter is a lot quieter  8)
Congrats!  I also sent mine on its maiden voyage this weekend!  I didn't stress over the temp swings - they kind even out (seems like).  Besides, a lot less hassle than trying to maintain temp on a wood smoker! :o