The Middle Kid in Alabama


New member
I got the #2 back in February and I've enjoyed learning to use it. Never had tried an electric before now and extremely happy with the results! Very happy with not having to tend a fire all day to get great bbq too :)  Very successful cooks so far--butts, tenderloin, ribs, and whole chicken. There's a lot of great advice on the board which I've enjoyed reading (used to be an injector but now I brine butts, tenderloin, and whole chicken). There are so many right ways to do things it's a lot of fun trying out other's ideas.
Glad you're with us, KQB!  Silly how easy it is, compared to the ways of old, isn't it!  Sounds like you're off to a really good start.  I look forward to seeing some pics of your successes, and maybe seeing some new recipes! ;)