Eric, if you're testing the internal temps during seasoning (empty chamber), you're wasting your time and brain power. Those measurements are pretty much useless. Here's why: When the box is full of meat and a water pan (used to add moisture and act as a "heat sink"), the temp remains much more stable inside. When the box is empty, the stainless steel interior doesn't hold and release the heat, so you'll see big temp swings. Meat and a water pan will actually absorb heat, and then slowly release the heat as the temp inside the smoker starts to drop. In my #1, I see temp swings of +/- 10 degrees. I'm pretty happy with that. So, get some meat in there, with a water pan (full of apple juice, beer, or even water) down low, and the temps will be stable!
Rob is absolutely spot-on (good to see you back, Rob!). Don't over-analyse your internal temps; it'll average-out just fine. Load her up, set your temp, and chill out. Watch the internal meat temp, and don't stress over the box temp! It's overkill, and too much work. 8)