Temperature Swings 200-270.


New member
I'm using my Model #1 for the first time today. The therm. (Maverick 732) indicates that the temp inside is 260-70 when it is set for 225. When I reduce it to around 200 it hovers around 215. I'm not sure what I did wrong. Is this common? Maybe I didn't place the BBQ probe correctly? I put it on the clip the set provided. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance (the meat will be done soon enough so we'll see how it comes out).
Well, that's a pretty typical swing for anything with a thermostat.  I bet if you put the probe in your oven you'd see the same thing.  Some have said they're seeing swings of less than 50 degrees but that's a little unusual in my experience.  There's always a bit of overshoot on the top and the temp will drop a way before the heating element can raise the temp in the box to the 'stat temp.

My advice is not to worry about it.  The temp setting will wind up averaging out.  The exact temp isn't all that critical for BBQ anyways.  For some stuff you need precise temp control (eggs come to mind) but brisket and ribs ain't one of 'em.
BTW, the main thing is to go by the probe in the meat.  The internal temp of the meat is the more important one to watch. 
Thanks Rob. That is helpful. My meat cooked much earlier than I expected; the internal temp. of the meat worked perfectly. The meat came out nicely. I still think I'll keep the dial on 200, that seems to keep the temperature around 215-225. NOW, tonight I'll smoke a whole chicken and tomorrow the brisket!
Where are you measuring temperatures? I measure temps n my #2 about 2/3 of the way up and I've never seen more than a 15-20 degree swing in total. it may drop 10 below the setpoint or go 10 above but it regulates nicely.
I am having troubles getting my smoker #1 to go over 195-200.  I have the dial on the max of 250.  I smoked 2 slabs of ribs cut in half for four hours and they were not tender.  I have done pork chops for 3 hours and just OK.  Did a 7lb pork shoulder for 10 1/2 hours and the internal temperature was only 160.  Had to finish in my oven.  Any ideas how to get more heat in the smoker?  I think that is the problem as 195 will take forever or not get the results I want.

Is my thermostat or heating element bad?  I noticed the #2 model comes with a 700w element but isn't twice the size inside.  Does anyone feel the heating element should be more powerful in the #1 model?
I just finished my first smoke (two salmon steaks about 3/4 lbs and 1" thick each). I set the temp to 180 and really panicked when the temp got to 230 and the IT was rising much faster than I was anticipated. I noticed the element cycled off but still lowered the temp to 175 and the swings went from a high of 215 to 160 for the rest of the smoke.
I am seeing the same thing in my new #1. Set at 225 and it swings from 260 to 219. Temp probe in the middle of the chamber. I am testing the limits of the temps to see which is the best as I am trying the Western Premium BBQ chunks to see if they are too dry and raise the temp too much.
Eric, if you're testing the internal temps during seasoning (empty chamber), you're wasting your time and brain power.  Those measurements are pretty much useless.  Here's why:  When the box is full of meat and a water pan (used to add moisture and act as a "heat sink"), the temp remains much more stable inside.  When the box is empty, the stainless steel interior doesn't hold and release the heat, so you'll see big temp swings.  Meat and a water pan will actually absorb heat, and then slowly release the heat as the temp inside the smoker starts to drop.  In my #1, I see temp swings of +/- 10 degrees.  I'm pretty happy with that.  So, get some meat in there, with a water pan (full of apple juice, beer, or even water) down low, and the temps will be stable!

Rob is absolutely spot-on (good to see you back, Rob!).  Don't over-analyse your internal temps; it'll average-out just fine.  Load her up, set your temp, and chill out.  Watch the internal meat temp, and don't stress over the box temp!  It's overkill, and too much work.  8)