temperature probe location


New member
I have been feed my temperature probe thru the smoke hole. This gets to be limited when you smoke a pork butt during the foiling process. I was wondering if I closed the door on the probe wire would that cause any issues.
The door seals way too tight. You will ruin the probe. I usually will put larger items on the lowest rack. You could do that when you foil, that should give you room for the probe.

I don't foil my butts and briskies anymore when using the Smokin-it..of course they are in for 18-22 hours..... 8)
Ed, I've thought about this, too.  The "blow hole" (as I call the vent hole on top) seems about our only viable option.  My wish is that one of these temp probe manufacturers could design a smaller probe!  The big "L" shaped ones take too much real estate!  The door seal - at least on mine - would crush a probe wire faster than you could say "what the....???" 
I'm with Smoke on this ... Smokin-It models produce superior product without foiling; I've all but abandoned it so it takes the probe placement out of the equation.

That being said, HD foil should be wide enough to form safely around the probe with decent sized pork butts without tearing or creating a gap for moisture loss.