South Florida Here


New member
Well hello everyone I am an Accountant from Chicago originally and now live in Ft. Lauderdale for the past 13 years and was addicted to Pit Masters and decided to go out and but Model 2 and am quickly beginning to love smoking and thanks to the folks at Smoken-It to make such a great product that is so easy to use.

With nice weather year round here I am sure one day soon you will get sick of me posting pictures and trying new and fun things, very happy that folks do not mind posting recipes and thanks again to everyone at SMOKIN-IT love this product very much.

May be in Pompano at Culinary Concepts many smoke on Saturday and the guy other than being a Packers fan is very helpful and encouraging with great woods and rubs...
Thanks for the intro, Lankbo!  You've already had your first maiden voyage, so you know what you've got!  Hang out here when you can, and share your pics/recipes - we all love that!

Sounds like the Culinary Concepts guy would be a good candidate for a Smokin-It unit!  He obviously has very good sense, being a Packers fan and all! ;D 8)
I started a thread awhile back on how people came to find the Smokin-It smokers, with the hope of helping Steve and Ben grow their company.  Check it out when you have time, and post your experience!
Welcome Lankbo!  I purchased a #2 back in January, and usually have it cranked up every weekend.  Ribs, chicken, turkey, pork chops..haven't had a bad meal yet! 

Happy Smok'in!