smoking cheese issues


New member

My first cycle used 2 hickory logs with the cold smoke shield and a pan of ice. Turned element on for 20 mins and turned off for 40. Smoked great and didnt get above 85 degrees!  After the hour, i opened the smoker and checked the cheese and decided to hit it with another cycle. After 5 mins of being on, the temp spiked near the ice to 110 degrees. I went and turned the smoker off and i think i did something dumb....
I opened the smoker...The fire got air and raged with smoke pouring out.

So....The cheese is fine and in the fridge.... BUT with the fire raging, is there a such thing as "bad" smoke?
Will it impart a bitter taste to the cheese?

Should i put new wood in between cycles. The logs were cindged all the way around after the first cycle which i guess made it easier to catch fire.

You will have to do a taste test to decide.  You might also try a smaller piece of wood.  Experiment and take notes.  Good luck and happy smoking.
Wouldn't a smaller piece of wood combust quicker??

I'm going goblet the cheese rest for a week and then try it. Thanks!!
It should not burst into flames if the door is kept closed (restricted air).  A smaller piece of wood stands a better chance of being consumed during the smoking process; and should it ignite when opening the door, the resulting conflagration should be smaller.

Hope that helps.
Dave's right.  Gotta keep that door closed!  No matter what the chunk size is, it's smouldering when the element is on, and continues to afterwards.  When you opened that door, you introduced an incredible amount of "fuel" to the smouldering wood, thus combustion.  Will it taste bad?  Depends on how much "bad smoke" the cheese got.  Burning wood smoke is definitely more acrid than smouldering smoke, but it may have not been enough to effect the taste.  Time will tell....  Next time, keep that door closed until the wood cools down.
Rookie mistake  :-[, haha.

As soon as i went to open the door, i realized "that was dumb". The cheese wasnt in the smoke for more than 2 mins as i pulled the grate quickly.

Ill get more wood this weekend try my luck with the pork loin

Thanks guys!!