New member
I had to leave behind a very nice brick pit that I designed, you can see it in my introduction thingy.
The Model-1 is just to hold me over until the next smoking apparatus is built.
So... I made sure I packed my favorite book on pit design where I could put my hands on it easily. Its;
Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design
Stanley, Adam and Robert Marianski
2009, Bookmagic LLC, Seminole Florida
This book probably has close to 100 different designs for smokers, and all with very detailed plans and drawings. There are pits made from barrels, bricks, stones, concrete or metal pipes, even a hollowed out oak trunk. There is quite a bit of detail on how to convert old refrigerators and warming boxes in to hot and cold smokers. Even plans for larger commercial type smokehouses. It even has recipes. I think I got my copy off Amazon for about 20 bucks. Its a paperback.
I'm kinda throwin around in my mind the idea for a new barbecue pit and thinking that the one they show here might be a sorta jumpin off spot for some ideas... the smoker is actually a vertical concrete pipe wrapped in brick seen in the center. For cold smoking, smoke comes from a pipe connecting the smoker with the open round firebox to the right of it. For barbecuing, there is a firebox next to the smoker chamber. Seems like an interesting setup, and you can also use the round open fire pit as a large grill. Smooth. This belongs to some guy in Ohio.
The Model-1 is just to hold me over until the next smoking apparatus is built.
So... I made sure I packed my favorite book on pit design where I could put my hands on it easily. Its;
Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design
Stanley, Adam and Robert Marianski
2009, Bookmagic LLC, Seminole Florida
This book probably has close to 100 different designs for smokers, and all with very detailed plans and drawings. There are pits made from barrels, bricks, stones, concrete or metal pipes, even a hollowed out oak trunk. There is quite a bit of detail on how to convert old refrigerators and warming boxes in to hot and cold smokers. Even plans for larger commercial type smokehouses. It even has recipes. I think I got my copy off Amazon for about 20 bucks. Its a paperback.
I'm kinda throwin around in my mind the idea for a new barbecue pit and thinking that the one they show here might be a sorta jumpin off spot for some ideas... the smoker is actually a vertical concrete pipe wrapped in brick seen in the center. For cold smoking, smoke comes from a pipe connecting the smoker with the open round firebox to the right of it. For barbecuing, there is a firebox next to the smoker chamber. Seems like an interesting setup, and you can also use the round open fire pit as a large grill. Smooth. This belongs to some guy in Ohio.