Smoked Wings


New member
1oz Peach.  1oz-ish of bourbon barrel oak.  I dusted them with a Key Lime season salt before they went in 250 for 2 hours.  I'm pretty happy with them, perfect compliment to a classic Lager. 

They are on their way to a Texas Pete's bath...


I'm a sucker for key lime ... I'm thinking a similar chicken prep and serving with Cuban black beans and rice.  Thanks for the post, Mutt!
I'm with you, Joe!  Key lime is my favorite!  Whoever thought of making a seasoning out of it is a genius!  I'm definitely ordering some.  Bet it would be great on a whole bird, too!  Thanks, Muttley!
Just checked-out the key lime spice....$8.95 bottle with $6.95 shipping....youch!  Think I'll see if I can find it locally for now.  :o 