My buddy jay made a prime rib a few weeks back that was delicious, which got me to thinking about making my own. Last week i found that one of the local super markets was having a sale on prime rib I decided to pick it up and give it a shot. The Prime Rib was just under 5#'s. I didn't trim any fat.
I rubbed it down with some Montreal Steak Seasoning and let it sit for the 24 hours. Then into the smoker it went. I used 3 Hickory wood charcoal briquettes and 2 chunks of peach. I need to get some more hickory that won't combust in my smoker.
At 145* I pulled the meat out, wrapped it in foil and placed it in a cooler for an hour.
After the hour of rest the meat was sliced.
It came out great, was really tender and juicey, I think I prefer red meat to be cooked over a flame though. I also think I will trim some fat before next time. Took about 4 hours in the smokin-it#2 at 250*

I rubbed it down with some Montreal Steak Seasoning and let it sit for the 24 hours. Then into the smoker it went. I used 3 Hickory wood charcoal briquettes and 2 chunks of peach. I need to get some more hickory that won't combust in my smoker.

At 145* I pulled the meat out, wrapped it in foil and placed it in a cooler for an hour.

After the hour of rest the meat was sliced.

It came out great, was really tender and juicey, I think I prefer red meat to be cooked over a flame though. I also think I will trim some fat before next time. Took about 4 hours in the smokin-it#2 at 250*