Proud #1 owner


New member
Hi all,

Lance from Woodstock ohio here. Hence the snoopy name  ;). Purchased a #1 in june after much research. Had no previous experience with smokers but I think I made the right choice with this one. Just cooking for me mostly and girlfriend when she is here so #1 is perfect size. So much good info here, looking forward to some great lazy bbq! 

No experience necessary, just read some on the postings. A lot of trial and error has occurred.

i would recommend documents your first few smokes, all the details so you can learn and twick along the way.
Hey Lance, welcome to the club and great choice with the SI smoker, you will not be disappointed.

A word of advice and a common mistake made by new members is the use of too much wood. These units amazingly use very little wood.  As the saying goes, 'a little wood goes a long way', so don't over smoke your meat, it's not pleasant. It is worth picking up a digital scale for the kitchen to weight your wood (chunks or chips), meat and spices etc as it is a valuable tool for our hobby.
Thanks for the warm welcome! Yes I do have a digital scale I picked up from harbor freight several years ago. I used to measure out my food when I was bodybuilding to keep track of protein grams etc. Comes in handy for sure to get the right amount of wood with these smokers. Doesn't take very much at all. I'm gonna look at the fruita wood site and order some samples. I'm still eating leftover ribs from my sunday first smoke. They are good even heated up in the microwave at work!