new to Forum from San Francisco Bay


New member
Hi all, I'm a bit late on introducing myself but better late than never!  I just purchased my SI 2 after struggling with a Bradley.  I needed a bigger heating element (750 vs.500) and an insulated box as it can be a bit windy here. 

I love to cook and smoke, I make my own sausages, cheese and smoking is my newest addition to my repertoire.  I have had good luck smoking salmon, ribs, chicken, pulled pork and a brisket.  I hope to get better at it with your help and a lot more smokes under my belt.

Welcome again, Allison!  We've sure been needing a female Q'rs perspective around here!  We've had a few come and go, but none that have been consistent participants!  I also look forward to some good Cali Q recipes!!  I'm originally from Fullerton in SoCAL.  You ever do any oak-smoked tri-tips?  Can't wait to see what you bring to the table (so to speak)!!!  ;D
Welcome. cheese making wow that's a road I haven't traveled yet. Impressive. Do you have your own animals or are you buying the milk?