New Model 2 & Auber


New member
Just received my Model 2 and the Auber 1503 controller.
Replaced a propane smoker & I am impressed with this smoker quality.
Hope to learn more from this forum
Gary from DFW area in Texas
Welcome from a neighbor a few states north of you (ND) ;)

You have made a great choice.

There is a ton of great information on this forum that back up this awesome product.

If you are coming from a previous smoker, be careful because some of the things that were tried and true on propane or stick burners do not hold true on these units.

For example, we measure the amount of wood we need in ounces, not pounds. Generally 2-3 ounces for shorter smokes like poultry and ribs and 5-6 ounces for longer smokes like butts/briskets.

Also, these things are super air-tight, so you will not lose a lot of moisture. As a result, for ribs most of us have abandoned the 3-2-1 or 2-2-1 methods that so many people use and have gone to a 5-6 hour no peak method.

This is truly set-it-and-forget-it smoking at its best. I have no problem throwing a Boston Butt in the smoker at midnight and sleeping like a baby until the morning knowing that my temps would be consistent overnight and ready after 1.5-2 hours per pound.
Welcome to the club, Gary!!  You made an excellent choice, with the #2 and Auber combo!  You've just stepped into the world of "Lazy Q!"  Gregg's right, you'll have to throttle-back on your "human intervention" quite a bit to make Q in an SI!  And, the great part is, you'll make the best Q you've ever had!

Just a heads-up - you won't get a smoke ring with an electric.  Since the pink smoke ring is strictly eye candy, and doesn't have a "taste," you won't miss it if you don't expect it.

Any ideas on a first smoke?  I always recommend a big ol' bone-in Boston butt! 