My new Number #2 is making noise during seasoning


New member
My new Number #2 is making noise during seasoning and after having no smoke from around the door for the first hour now all the sudden is leaking around the door.  The noise sounded like a steam valve letting off steam very quickly.  Whats the story.  Did a massive rush of hot air breach the door seal? 
This is most likely the point where the wood caught fire -- we have affectionately termed this the big belch!  I am assuming that it happened one time, and then after that the #2 returned to normal smoke exiting from the top hole.  Let us know if you experienced something different.

For most of my smokes in the past, and especially with dry wood, my #2 would start smoking normally with TBS, then at around a temp of 180F or so, I would observe a series of small gaps in the smoke and some smoke around the door.  Sometimes this would end and all was well, but on other occasions, I would get the big belch and the sound of the steam value.  A brief pause, and then smoke would return to normal and all was well.

I have tried ramping up the temp slowly to give the wood time to heat slowly, and this has worked sometimes.  Now, though, I have tried two smokes with wrapping the wood in foil and punching small holes in the foil to release the smoke and I ramped the temp straight to 225F (skipping the slow warm up).  Both times I get a couple small gaps in the smoke at around 180F, but I have not experienced the big belch using this method.  So, I am sticking with the foil method for now.
GB - normal occurrence with the #2 and #3 due to the powerful element.  Do a quick search on "smoke belch" and you'll find this topic has been covered very extensively.  The most important thing to remember, if the belch happens, is to NOT open the door.  It's kind of like a back draft, so you don't want to introduce a massive amount of air (fuel).  It will blow itself out.

Steve's foil method is one solution.  I have found slowly ramping the temp up to 225 (or whatever cook temp you are using) also helps.  I start at 130 for the first 30-40 minutes, then up to temp.  This allows the wood to slowly start smoldering, then "rest" a bit before hitting it again with the full-power element.  This has solved it for me, and I never get the belch anymore.

The other tip is to use good wood.  Use the hickory dowels or cherry from Smokin-It, or get quality wood from Fruitawood or Maine Grilling Woods.  Stay away from anything you find at the lumber yards or big box stores, as it's usually not very fresh and too dry.
Thanks Gents.  I used the hickory that came with the smoker. I allowed it to sit for a couple hours and them opened the door. Yeah it caught in fire.  I added another piece of wood and turned down the temp and it didn't happen the second time. Gonna do some ribs right now.