I learned a couple of things today.
1. Cyber Monday is not the best time to buy a smoker (except for the sale).
2. Pulled Pork in my #1 is AWESOME!
I bought my smoker last year during the holidays. I was anxious to try it out and attempted a rack of ribs and a brisket while it was still cold out (even snow on the ground, if I recall). They were "ok", but I was a little let down.
This time, I picked up a Boston Butt at the grocery store on Thursday. I rubbed it with some Mustard/Apple Cider Vinegar mix and the put on my Illinois Pork Producers rub. http://www.porkbeinspired.com/RecipeDetail/1094/Pork_Roast_With_The_World’s_Best_Pork_Loin_Rub.aspx
(Side Note: We have used this rub for a long time to do pork roasts in the oven. The family loves it.)
Friday Night, I put the meat on the rack on the kitchen table to bring up to room temperature. I put apple juice in the hanging liquid pan. At about 9 PM, I put it in the #1 and set the temp a little over 200 with one chunk of wood.
It was done around noon. I wrapped it in foil and put it in the oven (set to 170 and then turned off) for about 45 minutes, since I couldn't wait an hour to eat.
Picture of the finished product are attached. This was my test run for doing the same on Memorial Day weekend for a family cookout. I was extremely happy with the result and this is why I bought the smoker in the first place. I think I am going to revisit the brisket again later this summer.
1. Cyber Monday is not the best time to buy a smoker (except for the sale).

2. Pulled Pork in my #1 is AWESOME!
I bought my smoker last year during the holidays. I was anxious to try it out and attempted a rack of ribs and a brisket while it was still cold out (even snow on the ground, if I recall). They were "ok", but I was a little let down.
This time, I picked up a Boston Butt at the grocery store on Thursday. I rubbed it with some Mustard/Apple Cider Vinegar mix and the put on my Illinois Pork Producers rub. http://www.porkbeinspired.com/RecipeDetail/1094/Pork_Roast_With_The_World’s_Best_Pork_Loin_Rub.aspx
(Side Note: We have used this rub for a long time to do pork roasts in the oven. The family loves it.)
Friday Night, I put the meat on the rack on the kitchen table to bring up to room temperature. I put apple juice in the hanging liquid pan. At about 9 PM, I put it in the #1 and set the temp a little over 200 with one chunk of wood.
It was done around noon. I wrapped it in foil and put it in the oven (set to 170 and then turned off) for about 45 minutes, since I couldn't wait an hour to eat.
Picture of the finished product are attached. This was my test run for doing the same on Memorial Day weekend for a family cookout. I was extremely happy with the result and this is why I bought the smoker in the first place. I think I am going to revisit the brisket again later this summer.