My 3rd smoke, but first real good one


New member
I learned a couple of things today.

1. Cyber Monday is not the best time to buy a smoker (except for the sale). :)
2. Pulled Pork in my #1 is AWESOME!

I bought my smoker last year during the holidays. I was anxious to try it out and attempted a rack of ribs and a brisket while it was still cold out (even snow on the ground, if I recall). They were "ok", but I was a little let down.

This time, I picked up a Boston Butt at the grocery store on Thursday. I rubbed it with some Mustard/Apple Cider Vinegar mix and the put on my Illinois Pork Producers rub.’s_Best_Pork_Loin_Rub.aspx

(Side Note: We have used this rub for a long time to do pork roasts in the oven. The family loves it.)

Friday Night, I put the meat on the rack on the kitchen table to bring up to room temperature. I put apple juice in the hanging liquid pan. At about 9 PM, I put it in the #1 and set the temp a little over 200 with one chunk of wood.

It was done around noon. I wrapped it in foil and put it in the oven (set to 170 and then turned off) for about 45 minutes, since I couldn't wait an hour to eat.

Picture of the finished product are attached.  This was my test run for doing the same on Memorial Day weekend for a family cookout. I was extremely happy with the result and this is why I bought the smoker in the first place. I think I am going to revisit the brisket again later this summer.



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Looks like a success. Dont give up on the brisket.  This smoker produces a great brisket if done correctly.
Looks great - nice job!  One minor suggestion:  You can skip the "bring up to room temp" step with these smokers.  You'll get even better results putting cold meat into the cold smoker.  It just keeps getting easier! 8)
Nice pulled pork, especially for a first attempt.  That looks awesome, I'm going to have to get a boston butt. 
What kind of sauce did you use on the finished product?  There is a really amazing recipe in the sauce section of this forum posted by Tony (DivotMaker).
Smokster said:
Nice pulled pork, especially for a first attempt.  That looks awesome, I'm going to have to get me a boston butt. 
What kind of sauce did you use on the finished product?  There is a really amazing recipe in the sauce section of this forum posted by Tony (DivotMaker).


I just used BBQ sauce I had on hand. In general, I put sauce on the sandwich (not the meat). I like spicy sauce and my family does not. For this round, it was Sweet Baby Ray's (sweet and spicy for me, regular for everyone else).  On of my daughters just ate it without sauce (and without a bun).
I have to agree with you, everyone has there preference therefore serve "sans sauce" and everyone gets to choose to there liking.