Hi - Newbie from South Carolina- Changing my smoking habits from Big Green Egg


New member
Hi from South Carolina. I am thinking of taking the plunge and buying the Model #3, Jerky dryer and a few other trinkets

I have been smoking using my Big Green Egg and I am hoping the Model #3 will allow me to smoke more meat at one time and still get the bark I am looking for.

Thanks everyone for your comments and tips.

Welcome Foodee! 

We have many "converts" around here - everything from cheapie stamped steel smokers (Brinkman and the like), to BGEs, Traegers, and high $ stick burners.  What all of the "traditional" smokers have in common is work.  All of them are labor-intensive, from setup to monitoring temps throughout the smoke, to cleanup afterwards.  If that's a person's idea of fun, have at it!  I have friends who cook competition, and live for the "process."

Me, and many others you'll find around here, don't.  We just want really good Q, and want the "process" to be as painless as possible!  Not only can you smoke a lot of meat in the #3, you can do it with great ease!  These smokers produce fantastic results, use very little wood, and prep/cleanup is a breeze - all of this promotes more use!  Now, smoking something is not an all day event!  It may take all day, but doesn't require a day of your time.  Oh, and the bark is fantastic! ;)

Here's an experience I had last week in comparing our smokers to a $4000+ competition stick burner:


I've been smoking on these for the last year and a half, and didn't realize how good I have it, until last Wednesday, when I wrote the above post.  I would never go back to any other type of smoker - ever!

Hit us with as many questions as you can think of, and we'll do our best to help!
You can cook a ton of meat in the #3, especially if you get the new 9-tray side shelf accessory that allows for up to 9 15"X20" trays.

I have smoked up to 25lbs of Snack Stix in mine and that was with only 5 shelves.

You can easily handle multiple pork butts and many racks of ribs.

I am loving my #3 and I think you would too.
I have always thought the BGE's looked nice and would smoke efficiently but would be very limited on space to put meat. I haven't run out of room in my #3 yet.

I'm coming from a Master Forge Smoker Green Charcoal Vertical Smoker, given to me by my daughter. 
It is a very budget, cheaply made smoker and very difficult to use.  Was ok for sausage and some ribs, but extremely limiting for everything else. 

The family and I nonetheless got hooked on smoked meat, so I came across this wonderful site and ordered a #1 last week. 
I mostly only smoke for three, so it's probably more than I'll ever need.  Can't wait for it to be delivered today, and getting started with some more ribs and a pork loin this weekend.

The beauty of it all, is that this site is dedicated to the owners of the Smokin-It smaokers, and they have this stuff down to a science, no matter what you're looking to smoke, and everypne here is willing to help to make your smokes enjoyable.
welcome Foodee!

I think you will absolutely love the Model #3. I have the Model #2, and of course, now I want the 3 for those larger smoking sessions.  Either way, you will love your smoker.

The people on here are fantastic and I learn something every time I log onto this site.  As Tony mentioned, these smokers do not require a lot of work.  I looked in getting a small Lang, but I have to admit, Lazy 'Q' with these things is the way to go. 

Why stay up all night just to stoke the fire pit?  I absolutely love my Model 2 and if you spend some time on this forum, you will find so many cool ways to use your smoker. 

I hope you make the plunge.  You will not regret it!! 