Hello from Whidbey Island WA

Whidbey Rick

New member

I am about two weeks from placing an order for either the #2 or the #3. I currently have a top loader Big Chief that I've used only for smoking salmon and trout. I am looking forward to expanding my smoking to lots of other meats and vegetables.

I'm having some trouble deciding between models #2 and #3. I'd like to transport the smoker between home and various other locations. I'm a little concerned about the ease of transporting the #3. But.... I'll also want to be able to smoke 8-10 salmon fillets or steaks at one time.

Having never seen these smokers in person, I can't really visualize the transporting and capacity ease or difficulty of these units.

Has anyone ever found the #3 to be too big or think it's too big to throw it in the van to take on location?

Would I be able to smoke 8-10 salmon fillets or steaks in a #2

Lastly, would the higher wattage of the #3 be a huge deciding factor?

Thanks and I look forward to chatting and learning from your experience!

Whidbey Island WA

Big Chief top loader
Welcome, Rick!  I have a #2 that I think weighs in at around 80lbs.  I only roll it, and never try to pick it up.  I don't know how big your salmon fillets are, but I would think 8-10 would fit in a #2 without issue.  I have smoked 4 racks of BB ribs with no problems, and even two 5# chickens side by side on a shelf.
Thanks Steve,

After reading your reply I felt I needed to adjust what I said about 8-10 salmon fillets. I actually meant 8-10 salmon that have been filleted and cut into maybe 3-4 inch pieces. That'd be a maximum of 20 fillets cut up.

I guess I'd just like to know how many salmon could be smoked in a #2.

Thanks again!
20 Half Salmon Fillets may be a bit much, but I am not sure. I will defer to the #2 owners.

I have a #3 and have lifted it into my F-150 by myself, but it is a lot easier with another person. I would think it would easily fit in the back of a van, plus would be easier to lift in since it is not as high as my truck.

As you can see in my signature, I came from a Big Chief (mine is a front loader) and love my Smokin-It #3.

I haven't been brave enough to smoke fish in my Smokin-It yet, because I don't want it to get fishy smelling. I still smoke all of my fix in the Big Chief as the low temp works perfectly. But I know that there are several here that smoke fish in their Smokin-It smokers with awesome results. I just smoked some Bottom Fish that I caught in your neck of the woods (Westport, WA) last year in my Big Chief and they turned out awesome.

The #3 works great if you want to smoke whole slabs of ribs or whole salmon fillets for that matter. If you don't mind cutting them in half or smaller pieces, you can fit a lot of ribs/salmon in a #2. I'm just not sure about 20.

Regarding the heating element, with the smaller capacity of the #2, I don't think that the smaller element should really be a factor.
One thing I forgot to mention:

You can always smoke less meat/fish in a bigger smoker, but you can only smoke so much in a smaller unit. So, my view is go for the big one.
I wonder if smoking lots of salmon and trout would have any effect on the flavor of other meats... I've only ever smoked fish in the Big Chief smoker...

If smoking fish would have a negative effect on other meats, I'd probably just go with the #2 and continue to use the Big Chief for fish.


Tendency to over think most things in life    ;)
I think others here have said that it didn't leave a smell in their Smokin-It's. But I just haven't taken the plunge yet.
I dont notice any residual smell.  However, i use it for seafood only about 10% of the time.  I have cooked 28 lbs of ribs @ once in a 2.  Would think you could fir that much salmon as well.  Similar size but the fish is probably heavier per inch.  Not sure how that translates to your salmon size. Good luck.
I have a #3 and think it is the one you want for that kind of volume.

As for the fish smell- My friend professionally smokes and make charcuterie in his specialty butcher shop. I asked him about the "Need" of a fish only smoker. He said to leave the unit open to air out after a fish smoke. Then to clean as normal after the smoker is cooled. If you still have a fish odor wipe it down with 50/50 water/white vinegar and air it out again. Having said all that..... He wont smoke fish in his smoker, he cant afford the down time to clean his unit.
If you are debating yourself, go with the bigger unit.  In hindsight, i would rather say "I could have gone smaller" than "I really needed the larger one".  The 2 works great for me, my family & friends but I generally dont cook for more than 15 or 20.  A 3 would have worked as well but a 4 would have been absurd.  Its personal but go with the largest unit you can afford that will suite YOUR needs.  Both units work very well as documented throughout the forum.  I think Brian is correct.
Walt said:
If you are debating yourself, go with the bigger unit.  In hindsight, i would rather say "I could have gone smaller" than "I really needed the larger one".  The 2 works great for me, my family & friends but I generally dont cook for more than 15 or 20.  A 3 would have worked as well but a 4 would have been absurd.  Its personal but go with the largest unit you can afford that will suite YOUR needs.  Both units work very well as documented throughout the forum.  I think Brian is correct.

I have not tried fish yet, so I too will be of no help on those questions.  However, I agree with others that you can always smoke less in a larger unit, but not more in a smaller!    Either way, though, you will be happy with the SI smoker!
I have a #3, i was facing the same decision. I went with the larger unit and larger heating element.  I  thought the $100 difference was worth it. You can smoke less meat in a number 3, then more meat in a number 2.

Old Sarge-dave from az convinced me. Go big!
Thanks for all the feedback, you all are great!!

I am definitely leaning towards the model #3. I believe that I'll be happier with the greater capacity as well as the increased power. I figure I can deal with transporting the smoker easily enough when the time comes.

Thanks again for all of your great feedback! I look forward to chatting and learning more from you all!!

I'll let you know when I pull the SI smoker trigger!  ;D

Semper Fi!

Whidbey Island WA

Big Chief top loader
Welcome, Rick!  Can't go wrong with a #3 for crazy capacity!  There aren't many competitors out there that can match it.  Judging from the Semper Fi tag, I wouldn't think an old Jarhead would have any worries about transporting anything heavy! lol! ;)  Just kidding, coming from an old USAF guy!

We look forward to having you on board, no matter which model you choose!  Either one will serve you well, and will make some of the best Q you've ever had.
Welcome Rick...
I too had to make the same decision as you. I went with the # 3 and I'm very glad I did. It's an awesome smoker.
Ordered my cart for the #3 and put my smoker on it Wed. Love the stand. I don't have to stand on my head any more. The cart get's that baby off the floor.
Welcome Again....These folks here know their business. I'm still learning myself..