Hello From North Georgia

puddle jumper

New member
Woo Hoo ,,
My number 2 is on order as of about 10pm tonight,,,

I'm not new to smoking but after burning up my 4th element in my Brinkman Gourmet Electric I decided that its time to upgrade to a better smoker,something that the wind did not blow the heat out of and I could smoke all year round,, one that will last , After reading everything I could find on electric smokers and watching about 20 hrs of You tube videos I decided on the best cooker for me,,, A Smokin-It #2 and here we are...
I think it will fit right in with my, Reverse flow stick burner, propane double basket fryer, turkey fryer, and grill..

Anyways thanks for having me around...
and look forward to posting some Q and sharing smoking stories...


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Welcome, puddle jumper!  Like you, I spent a lot of time researching electric smokers and watching way too , many youtube videos (some several times).  I settled on the #2 back in January -- a perfect decision!  The #2 is perfect for me and family and is usually smoking every weekend.  I think you will enjoy as well--good choice.

Happy smok'in!
John, welcome aboard. As a novice a few months ago, after reading and participating on this forum I have learned alot. Please share your knowledge. Btw, these smokers are great, you made a great purchase.
Congrats on the #2, Puddle ... I think you'll find very quickly that these smokers are a quantum leap past the Brinkmann units.

Be sure to stick with the seasoning instructions provided and I'd lay in some extra-wide HD tin foil for lining the floor of the smoker.  I doubt you'll need much advice since you've been smoking for a while but feel free to brag on your smokes and post your recipes.  And, as always, if any of us can help just give a shout.  :)

Out of curiosity, where in North Georgia are you located?  I've got plenty of family from Douglasville, Atlanta, Columbus, and all the way down to Valdosta ...
Welcome to the party, PJ!  That's a good-lookin' table full of Q there!  You'll love your #2, and I bet the rest of your Q toys will get a little lonely.  Hang out with us when you can, and let us know how it's going! ;D
Thanks for the welcomes guys..
Joe, I was raised in D-ville, I live just outside of Calhoun now its between Dalton and Cartersville..

I Must confess I have not been using the smoker over the last few years as much,, I'm really trying to get healthy and loose some weight,, the reason I'm bringing this up is I'm trying to go down a new road and come up with Q that's also better for me...So I'm sure there will be some new ways to use the smoker that I have never thought about  with turkey, chicken,, fish... I still want to do the "good" Q just not as much of it,,, but I love smoking and cooking so I"m open to ideas also...
Ha!  Small world ... if you remember a couple of buildings in the downtown Douglasville  area with "J.C. McCarley" in raised brick, that's my namesake and great-grandfather.  It's some beautiful country up there ...
Yup,, Small world...If you have'nt been over there in a while you would not recognize that are,, Atlanta kind of sucked that area up, it was small town when i grew up out there,not anymore, When I got out of the Coast Guard I wanted to get back to that small town feeling so I headed to the mountains..
That's great,,,
puddle jumper said:
When I got out of the Coast Guard I wanted to get back to that small town feeling so I headed to the mountains..
That's great,,,

Hehe...I wondered if that's where "Puddle Jumper" came from!
yup.. That's where it started ...and Im also a die hard Cat Fisherman and that's the name I use and a hand full of other sites so to make things easy to remember I keep my same name everywhere...


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WOW... fat cats!  i am also a fisherman, but i prefer the panfish for eating. I also go on trips to Canada for northern pike and walleye. Musky are plentiful where my lakehouse is so we target those toothy critters as well.
Indiana fishing pales in comparison to fishing in Canada.
I would love to go to Canada on a fishing trip,,,

The big cats get released to fight again another day but we do catch a mess of smaller fish that we fry up,, It takes fish that size anywhere from 20 to 30 years to get that big so we try to protect them by only taking smaller one's to eat, I always have some in the freezer...

But yup, smoked fish is on the list to go into the smoker