Grilled Vegetable Tureen

Pork Belly

Three days ago I smocked three spatchcocked Chickens in my #3, results were amazing. I noticed the rich color or the drippings in the pan during clean up and gave it a taste. It was great, full of flavor and not overly salty, so I saved it not knowing for what. Yesterday I noticed the container in the fridge had only a thin layer of fat and the rest was a tasty that had set very firm.

Then it occurred to me GRILLED VEGE' TUREEN! I fire roasted a red pepper, then let it steam in a paper bag. I sliced yellow and zucchini squash length wise on a mandolin. I used tender thin stalks of Michigan Asparagus. The squash and asparagus were grilled with olive oil salt and pepper. I lined a tureen mold with wax paper for easy removal then layered the  vegetables. I used an oversize bamboo skewer to poke holes through the layers to allow the now melted gelatin to seep through everything and bind it. I scrapped the char off the peppers removed the seeds and stems so they would lay flat. Their rich color was used in two layers. I am posting the assembly pictures now I will modify later and add the after pics. To avoid it melting I will serve it on a chilled side plate as a type of cold salad.


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Wow!  I feel schooled now, Brian!  That's awesome!  So, the gelatin is just the rendered chicken fat?  What could be substituted for this, if you don't happen to have smoked chicken fat lying around?  Looks very tasty!  I'm going to be the first in my neck of the woods to make one of these! ;)
Not the fat the juice for lack of a better term. It was runny when warmed but set tight when chilled. It was high in collagen that made it gel. The fact I had the birds Spatchcocked and the keel-bones exposed may have contributed to it being high in collagen. It tasted pretty good, the presentation was awesome, not an everyday side dish though. I would say try it at least once, this was the first time I made it.
That's great info, Brian.  I always thought the gel from a chicken was mostly the little amount of fat rendered, combined with the liquid that comes out of the meat.  Nice.