Got my model 1 today, seasoned it, then smoked a brisket


New member
Very happy with the results, but definitely used way too much wood.

2lb brisket
Rubbed with sea salt
3 chunks of hickory
225 for 3 hours
Wrapped and rested 30 minutes



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Congratulations on the first smoke!    You will be surprised at how little wood is needed to get a good smoke little as 3-4oz of wood!  I use a kitchen scale to weigh my wood just to be sure that I have the right amount. 
Thanks Steve. You're right, I am surprised at how powerful this little smoker is! I'll try weighing the wood next time.

Should I clean the soot from the smoke off the smoker or just the drippings? I assume the smoke residue is part of the "seasoning" process.
Different folks clean differently, but for me, I remove the foil from the wood box and bottom, wipe down the bottom to remove any excess liquid, remove and clean the racks, and that's it.  Maybe once a month or so, I will remove the side panels and run them through the dishwasher.  Every three months or so I will wipe down the entire inside of the box to remove excess soot that builds up.
Good looking briskie!  Looks nice and moist.  Yep, 3 chunks is definitely overkill!!  For a 3 hour smoke like that, about 1.5-2 oz would have done the trick.  You'll be amazed at what a little amount will do!

Here's to your success!
Thanks DivotMaker.

I'm going to try smoking steaks tonight. Doing research now. I think I'll try apple wood chunks. Maybe 1 chunk? Don't have a kitchen scale.