Well, I did my inaugural try at cold smoking cheese yesterday. I tried an experiment, in the quest to automate the process. I have to report failure, but I did learn from the process . I put the Auber probe #1 (cabinet temperature) under the cold plate, in the same "chamber" as the heating element. I then set the Auber for 90 degrees at 2 hours. Put a pan full of ice cubes on top of the cold plate and the cheese blocks on the top shelf. Here's where it didn't work. The temperature got up to 90 real quick, and then of course the Auber shut off the heating element. No smoke! So, I fell back to the manual method of blasting the heating element at 225 for 18 minutes, then shut it off. Repeat twice. Cheese was still solid, still had lots of ice in the pan, end product was excellent. I have another idea for automating the process, but I have to eat all the "mistake" cheese first. ;D BTW, I used Fruitawood peach wood, 2 ounces. Next time I may cut back to 1 ounce, it was pretty strong, but excellent flavor.