First smoke, Dam near perfect !

Capt Buddy

New member
Loaded the 1 with a 8 pound brisket injected with soy, beef stock, bbq sauce, and rub.  Cut in half used two racks. I loaded it at 11pm dial set at 225 , woke at 0800 to check it, to my surprise the brisket was at 195. I pulled and foiled it. Couple hours later, sliced a couple tasters ....AWESOME. I have 17 ABTs on now, going to pull them at about a 2 1/2 hour smoke, I peaked at 2 hours, they look incredible. This is exactly why i bought this , basically set and forget. I have pics and will try to load later. I never opened the cooker at all during the brisket cook. I used 2 of the round pieces of the  hickory dowel  and a piece of hardwood charcoal for the brisket, and one dowel for the abt 
Awesome indeed.

Today I smoked a small pork shoulder... I reckon 4 lbs.

Brined. Rubbed with some Famous Dave rib rub. Put on 225 at 730AM. Foiled at 160F at 1230PM. Came back from 5k run, one mile swim, and an hour in the pool with the boys, had them read for 30 minutes when we got home and pulled it out from the 140F hold as meat was now down from 203 to 172. Pulled perfect. There is none left. I mean not a single piece. Cleanup 1 minute.

I mean this is easy.  The hardest part was having to run for some brew to watch the last 30 laps if Nascar in Arizona. Well one more cold one ... Then three boys to bed... This SI fits our busy lifestyle well.