Cover Chinstrap Modification


New member
I have a #1, and received a cover for it last week.  Great quality cover, but I saw there was no way to keep it attached.  First wind/rain we had last night, I found my cover in the yard, about 100' from my baby!  She was shivering and naked when I came out this morning!  >:(

I dried the cover today, and got to finding a solution.  I sewed (ok, my wife sewed) two 3" strips of 2" Velcro strips to each side of the cover.  I put the fuzzy side on the cover so it will be easy to wash.  I then cut a long enough length of the hook side to go from one side to the other, under the unit, so it would rest under the drip pan.  Works great!  If the wind blows my cover off now, it's probably taking the smoker, or roof of the house, with it!

This would be a great factory mod, and very easy to do!


  • modfied cover.jpg
    modfied cover.jpg
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Thanks, Joe!  Easy, cheap mod.  If someone can't sew, I suppose they could use the heavy-duty sticky-back tape on the cover.  Just don't know how well it would do in the heat. 

Thanks for moving this... it made me take a look this post that I'd otherwise NOT have seen b/c of its age.

This is a great idea ... I love it!!!!

That siad, since my Auber is destined to never see the outside elements as it will always be operated within my garage, the cover is really on it for no real reason at all other than to protect it from dust.

Thanks again.

Thanks, Steve!  If I had the cool setup you do, I wouldn't need a "chin strap" either! ;)  My house is on top of a little hill, and the wind usually blows a little harder.  No matter what I did, I'd have to chase that cover down every time it was windy! 
Tony... it's ironic b/c I got the cover (actually didn't pay b/c of the special) b/c I was planning to keep the SI3 outside kind of like you described, under a 3 foot overhang and then snug it up against the house.

Since I bought the thing in November... one thing led to another and this dang thing is never going outside.

My wife officially thinks I'm crazy!!! That's okay, I prescribe its healthy to agree to disagree on this point!

Chinstrap... yeah, that's a classic name.