What me? Make sausage? Surely you jest. No, I cannot make sausage. I draw the line on meat processing. My wife, knows how to handle her 380 pretty good, and beats the devil out of me at the range all the time. If she caught me making sausage anywhere on the property, I would probably end up being the main ingredients in the casings.
I don't know what that foamy stuff is that looks like cheese. It must have come out of the sausage. I live near New Orleans and that sausage (probably made in New York) is a New Orleans, Andouille style sausage. I don't really know what that means, but we must live in the wrong place to get the real stuff.
I am happy with the Big Daddy, but I am not real happy with my results. Although I followed Jeff's recipe to the letter, I think I am going to have to modify my recipes to make up for the high-efficiency of this 1500 watt heating element.
I am a complete novice, but not totally an idiot... yet. But it took these two, huge pork loins only 3hr:15mn, cooking at 225 to reach 142-145 degrees. I let them rest for about 15 minutes and the juice ran out all over the counter.
I think they cooked too fast. The meat is dry and chewy, although not too chewy to eat. Just too chewy for me. I applied smoke pretty much the whole way through, and I think the bacon kept the smoke from getting to the meat. I could almost tie my shoes with the bacon after it finished cooking. The rub didn't penetrate the meat well, but it was salty enough. I ate it with some Sweet Baby Ray's Original and the sauce saved it.
The meat was too tough for my taste and it's almost as if it should had been injected and wrapped, but my limited knowledge points me in the direction of excessive smoker temp. I think I should have gone with injection of come clarified butter, maybe some apple juice mixed with rub, and a smoker temp of 200-215
What do ya'll think?