Boston Butt


New member
Smoking my first whole bone-in Boston Butt tomorrow. It weighs in at 9lb, any suggestions on how long I should smoke it and what the IT should be when ready.
With a nine-pound pork butt you'll need to focus on temperature and not time.  Any hunk of meat will hit a stall point that can last hours ... pork butts tend to stall at 160 or so (in my experience) and may actually drop back down in temperature or hold steady for up to four hours before climbing again.  Briskets are even more fickle.

If you're doing pulled pork, I'd shoot for 200-205.  I'm partial to sliced pork so I shoot for 170-175.  I did a little bone-in four-pound butt weekend before last and it didn't hit 170 until seven hours into the smoke.  No matter what, once you pull the whole butt wrap it in tin foil and let it rest a bit before pulling or slicing.

If you don't have a thermometer, the general rule is 90 minutes per pound; but there are so many factors that may alter the process (boneless vs. bone-in, moisture content, fat layer size, ambient temperature, etc.) that you'd be prudent to invest in a Maverick or other remote thermometer.

Good luck!
I start my butts the night before between 2000 and 2200 hours and just let it go till it hits 190 internal.  I get a good night's sleep without watching the temperature, worrying, etc.
Well, the wood (and condition of said wood) plays a role, as do ambient environmental conditions.  I typically see smoke within 15 minutes, it will be somewhat heavy (easily visible, a constant stream from the vent on top) for anywhere from 20-30 minutes, and then it dies down to a slower, wispy stream of smoke for 45-60 minutes thereafter.

I do start my smokes with a cold smoker and cold meat to prolong the exposure to the smoke (in theory, meat won't accept smoke once it hits 140 or so) so that plays a role in my observations.