Big Fish From NY

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Big Fish

Just joined Smokin-it because I was thinking about buying the #3. I have been lurking for a couple of weeks before I joined. I am new to electric smoking - there are a lot of choices out there and have been shopping and "feeling" out all the choices. I called Smokin-it last night and waiting for a call back - I have a million questions. I'll mostly be smoking fish (I live on the water - salt), definitely ribs and big pork candy. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and do some researching. Oh, nice joint you have here.

You need no teef to eat my beef.
Welcome, again, Big Fish!  When you compare apples to apples (SI, Cookshack, Smokin Tex), SI is hands-down the best value for the dollar.  The units are very well-made, have a longer warranty than the others, and come with the best customer service in the business!  You'll probably read some of the posts on comparisons; there are quite a few on here.  You'll find many of our members were in exactly the same boat as you (me included), and ended up choosing Smokin-It.  Other than the bomb dropped by robb (that you posted to), you just won't find negatives. 

Another thing to look at is the other manufacturer's forums.  The level of activity is a testament to the product.  Also consider replacement parts costs, especially if considering Cookshack.  Great units, but very costly. 

Steve was probably out with the family last night - I'm sure he'll get back to you soon.  By the way, we have several of you sea-dwellers around here, so lots of good advice on fish! ;)
Thanks for the welcome DivotMaker. What I don't get is, why is everyone modding these smoking-it smokers with additional electronics, when the other guys have them already installed when you buy them? I really don't mind the extra cash layout, but it's done and calibrated already off the show room floor - for a more precise finished product (via temperature)? It's all about the perfect end product, right? I'm a low voltage guy and know the damage one could do if modded incorrectly (voids the warranty - boat anchor). And I'm not being cocky here, just trying to make sense of it all - and I know "schtuff" needs to be modded to suit one's needs, but getting the correct temp seems like a big deal (KEY) when smoking.
I have a stock #2 & produce phenomenal Q.  The mods are not necessary but some enjoy the accuracy.  I'd put my finished product up against any.  The ability to have the auber drop to a holding temp upon the meat reaching desired temp does sound nice though.  Not sure the others do that.
Fish, it is absolutely NOT required to "mod" these smokers with a PID controller.  They work great "as is."  I have a #1 that is factory stock, and have produced lots of pounds of great Q.  I am fortunate to have a #2 that is a test bed for a digital controller (still in the works), and I use an Auber PID with it.  The stock analog controller will have temp swings, which is just the nature of the beast with analog controllers.  Smokin Tex says +/- 40 degrees on their website.  The Auber PID option brings temps to within 1-2 degrees of set point.  Not even the Cookshack controller is that accurate.  We have a CS owner here, and he ran a test on temp swings to see, so this is not just made up info.  The Auber is not required, but makes a great smoker incredible.  The only reason for the bypass mod is to take the temp above 250, which is the limit of the stock controller.  Again, not required, but is nice to have.  I suspect we'll see smokers from the factory with these modifications in the future.

You said "when the other guys have them already installed when you buy them."  What "other guys" do you mean?  Please don't include digital controlled smokers like Masterbuilt or Cajun Cooker in with these smokers - whole different animal, and will not last as long.  The "big 3" are Cookshack, Smokin Tex and Smokin-It. 
I was looking at the CS 45. By the time I want to get the smokin-it 3 to get it where I want it to be, it would be close in $$ AND I wouldn't have to slice and dice (with the CS 45). Right? They just posted a 10 percent off too. Again, just thinking and not by any means, putting down anyone's product.
Big Fish,

Since you mentioned the CS SM045, we can compare more easily.  Here's my take on it, for what it's worth.  First, a couple of observations on features:

1.  CS45 has a 750 w element, whereas the #3 has a 1200 w element.

2.  CS45 has 3 shelves (nickel plated, 14"x18"), and the #3 comes with 4 shelves (solid stainless steel, 15"x20").  The extra inch in width, and 2" in depth may not seem like much, but it makes a big difference.

3.  The CS controller, while electronic, is NOT a PID.  It is a simple on/off, set the temp with up/down buttons, controller.  The Auber PID is programmable with 6 steps, triggered by time or temperature, and holds temp within 1-2 degrees of set point.  Also, replacement cost of the 45's controller is $235.  Just looking at long-term cost of ownership, if it goes out after their 2 yr warranty.

Now, you mentioned you would be "close on $$" to get the #3 where you want it to be.  Here's what I see, even considering their 10% off sale.  I'm including a PID with the #3, but it is optional, and does not have to be purchased up-front for it to work:

SI Model 3:

Unit                $499.00
Auber PID        $216.00
Cart                $200.00
Cover              $40.00
Total                $955.00

CS SM045:

Unit                $1275.00
Cart                $400.00
Cover              $235.00
Extra shelf      $31.00
Total              $1,941.00
                    - 10% = 1,747.

Not considering shipping, the CS is $792 higher, $1008 higher if you go #3 stock (no PID). 

So, you're looking at a smaller unit (both in size and wattage), a 2 yr vs. 3 yr warranty, and right at twice the price.  Hope this helps - just trying to look at it from a "spec-spec" comparison, and value for the dollar.

Hey Big Fish,

I have the #3 without the PID controller and I have zero issues.  The PID is a nice to have, but not necessary, although I wouldn't mind picking one up simply because us boys like our toys, but I can wait, I am fine without it. It's similar to buying a car, then modifying the engine with after market parts to get more out of it.

In addition, Tony is dead on, the PID is not the same as the CS temperature control, it is a different beast altogether.
I'm going to try and call Smokin-it again. I still haven't heard from them. Who knows, he might be on vacation or had an emergency.
Ernie, now that you mention it, I believe he was out of town this week!  Have you emailed him at  He usually answers emails pretty fast, but it is Sunday.  Might try him tomorrow when he's back.
Don't they have a 30 day money back guarantee? I was hoping to see if he runs a Father's Day Special. Thanks for all your help, Divot.
When I picked up my #3 from Steve, we spoke for about 30 minutes and he did mention that he offers the 30 days because he is confident and stands by his product  because nobody has returned there unit because they were not satisfied with it.
Welcome Big Fish.

You won't go wrong with either the SI or the CS unit. They are both solid performers.  I understand your not wanting to go the slice and dice routine.  That is understandable. There are some good instructions within this forum on how to hardwire in a PID and still keep the option of analog.  Call it an either or solution. On the CS, if the controller dies, the smoker is dead, unless you as an analog controller as a backup (still the slice and dice). The same holds true with the SI unit.  Given the value, the SI provides more bang for the buck, plus the accessories are less expensive as are parts, should the need arise. The power cord is longer, a plus, and the wheels are larger, a real plus. Also look at rack size. Again you won't make a bad decision with either unit; they are both robust units, well insulated, well manufactured. It comes down to budget. and what you are comfortable with. If you go with the SI, think of all the meat you can purchase with the money saved! 

Best of luck in your decision and happy smoking.
I am passing on the Smokin-it. The customer support just isn't there (one guy answering a cell phone?). Not to offend anyone here, I am sure you guys love the product. Thanks for all your help.
Sorry to hear Ernie.  We are happy with our purchases, but at the end of the day, you have to be comfortable with your choice.  This is a start up company and we deal directly with the owner which keeps the cost down on these units, but no doubt in our minds that it's growing. Our forum keeps growing every day with new members and I've never had to call for service.

Well, happy smoking and maybe one day we will cross paths again.