Auber PID in my #3


Tony asked me to write a little report on using the Auber PID in my #3 so here goes.

I had a MES 30 for years and finally decided to get something bigger. Searched the web and decided on my #3. I have had it for about 3 months and must say that is the best, easiest and most well built smoker you could ever want. After breaking it in and using it a few times, I finally got a Maverick ET-732 thermometer. When I had the temp set to 225 deg, the temp inside the box went from 210 deg to 243 deg. That does average out to 225 deg but needed better control to do jerky and others. Went to the web and decided on the Auber WSD-1503CPH. This is the same unit that Smokin-It is selling.

Here is there web page include pictures and the manuals:

It  was very easy to install and I did not want to modify the unit. You could just turn the temp knob up all the way and it works fine up to 250 deg.
I wanted to get temps higher the 250 deg so I bypassed the controller.
I took the back off and there are two spade lugs on the temp controller. I just wired them together and taped it up.

There are two probes, one is smoker temp and the other is meat temp. I just dropped the probes thru the hole in the top, clip the temp 01 probe to a rack or use a wood block with a hole in it. Stick the temp 02 probe in the meat. Plug the Auber in the wall . Plug the #3 into the Auber and that is it.  I talked to Steve and he said the box and insulation was good to 500 °. The Auber works up to 383 °F. Since the #3 has a1200-watt element, higher temps should not be a problem.

There is a picture with Auber under the smoker on my cart.  The included cables are 6 feet long so location is not a problem:

Then you program the unit:

From their manual:

The initial program setting for the controller is listed in
Table 1. This program will control the temperature of the cabinet at 225 °F for 2 hours.
Then, change the temperature to 225 °F. It will stay at 225 °F until internal temperature of
the meat reaches 195 °F. Then, the controller will drop the temperature to 130 °F for 30
hours, waiting for you to pick up the food. If you set C03=0 and t03=0, when meats’ internal
temperature reaches 195 °F, the controller will shut off the heater, flashing END on both
windows, and turn on the beeping alarm to notify you that cooking is finished.

Table 1. Initial program setting
Step #            Temp (F)        Step #        F or t    Step    # value
C01                225                E01                t          t01      2.0
C02                225                E02                F          F02    195
C03                130                E03                t          t03      30.0
C04                0                      E04                t          t04      0.0
C05                0                      E05                t          t05      0.0
C06                0                      E06                t          t06      0.0

You can do up to six different steps. This setting is what I use on my briskets and it works great. After the meat hits 195, it turns the unit into a warming oven.
What the Auber does is turn the element on full up to the target temp then it turns the element on and off at very quick interval like one second on one second off.

There is a picture of a 11 pound brisket with the two probes inserted. One for the Maverick and one for the Auber.

I then put a blank rack above the meat and clip the two probes to it.

This 11 pound brisket took 12 hours to reach 195 deg. With the brisket inside, the unit run 225 deg plus or minus 2 deg.

Here’s some links to other setups:

Here’s link to a temp graph in a #3:

This is for a more permanent Smoking Tex but it and the #3 looks the same:

The only con I have found so far is that since the element is not on full blast after reaching temps, I had to use smaller pieces of wood in the smoke box. Any pieces over 3 ounces did burn well.

What I usually do now is load the #3 up before I go to bed and let it run all night and I wake up to great Q.
It makes my  #3 a true plug in, set temp and then wake for the great results unit.



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Thanks for taking time to do this, Tex!  I now understand much more about the Auber than I did before.  The step for a "hold" temp is really cool - didn't know you could do that!  I use 140 to hold meat after it's done cooking quite a bit.  I've held pork butts and briskets like that for several hours, with no adverse effects on moisture. 

I'll definitely be considering this unit in the future!
I own (and love) the Smokin-It #2, and recently purchased the Auber WSD-1204. Basically the same PID as above, but less wattage, since my #2 has a much smaller element. It has been fantastic. I can set it to 225 degrees, and it stays within 2-3 degrees forever. Prior to purchasing the PID, I was fighting to get it above 180 or 190 degrees until the very end of the smoke most of the time - with occasional wild swings up to 250+.

I'm looking forward to doing some salmon one of these days, and really taking advantage of the programmable steps. The ribs, brisket and butts I've done so far really haven't required me to program the thing. It has been a great addition to an already great smoker.
so.... just plug the auber into the wall, and the #2 (in my case) into the auber? that is it ? I understand how the probes work, but as far as getting temps to maintain, that is it? no electrical engineering? LOL
Johnny Tex,
Thanks for the write up.  Have you tried taking the smoker above 250 with the Auber?  I ask because I was thinking that you could potentially add a step to handle the issue people seem to have with chicken.  By adding an additional step you could take the smoker up to 350 to finish the chicken and crisp the skin.    I was thinking something like this.

Step # Temp (F) Step # F or t Step # value
C01         225         E01         t              t01         2
C02         225         E02         F              F02         140
C03         350         E03         F         F03         160
C04         130         E04         t         t04         30
C05         0              E05         t         t05         0
C06         0              E06         t         t06         0

My #3 just got dropped up by Fedex ground about 5 minutes ago!  I am so excited!  I can not wait to get the rest of the shipment.



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I checked with Steve and he said 350 should not me a problem.
I am going to smoke a Turkey on Gobble Day and was gonna try this.
I am planning a test run with some yard birds this weekend.
I'll post how that came out..
How did your testing go with the Auber?  Did you take the chamber up to 300+ degrees? 

How difficult is the Auber to use?  I understand the steps and what they do, but not how to actually do it.  How long does it take to change the internal temp of the meat or add additional step/action?
I got my #3 up to 350 for two hours to clean and test.

I find it very easy to use. You press the set button and the step # comes up on the left screen (CO1 or E01) and the value (225 or t or F) is set on the right screen with the + and - keys. Pres set again and it moves to the next value. I have found that a chart like yous helps.

I am doing a #15 bird on gobble day. Will post picts.
It's like you broke the sound barrier, Johnny! May have to change your name to "ChuckTex!" lol.  Nice to see the concept actually works!  I'd love to see Steve design a model with the Auber incorporated in it from the factory, with a "OEM" housing and all! 
I am actually in the process of building a custom PID unit to control my #2. Once I am sure that everything is up an running correctly, I will be building a stainless control panel to mount on top of the unit. Basically replacing the factory control panel. My goal is for the panel to be very "factory" looking. I have access to tig welders and equipment to make it as nice as possible. I really think this is something that should be part of these smokers giving them a huge advantage over just the basic thermostat control.
Well, I did my first turkey with  the Auber yesterday and here’ how it went.

Had a 15# bird, brined for 24 hrs. in 1 lb of salt, 1 lb of honey, ½ a bottle of crab and shrimp boil, gallon of water and ice.

Rinsed, patted dry and rubbed with oil and 7 spice run.

Cold bird in an cold #3 at 9:30 AM. Auber set to 225.

Took 15 min for smoker to reach temp.

At 2:00 PM, IT reached 140, so Auber changed temp to 350.

By 2:15 smoker temp was 315 and stay there for the rest of the hour.

At 3:00, IT was 160, so Auber set smoker temp to 130.

IT coasted to 174 over the next hour or so.

Bird was very juicy and had a very crisp skin.

Here are Before and After photos.



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Thank yo so much for this great review.  I haven't used my smoker for a couple of weeks, now that it is getting cold up here in Minnesota, but the Auber unit looks like it may really help me control my smoker temps.  I have had some great successes with my Maverick, but the temps vary a bit too much at times, and that has also caused my failures as well (see my brisket try :)).  I just ordered one for my Model #2 based on your review, and am planning on bypassing the controller as well by taping the two spade lugs together.  I just talked to Steve (what a great guy) and he stated that I should be fine on the Model #2 as well.  Heck, if I can get my smoker to 300-350 for some of my cooks, I will be elated.

Your turkey looked awesome.  I hope I can get one to turn out like that for Christmas with my new digital controller.  Again, great review and thanks for all of the information.   
Hey… I may be breaking forum protocol (my bad if that's the case)… but Johnny Tex … did you AUTO TUNE your AUBER PID WSD-1503CPH for the SI3 to update the PID values?

It seems doing this may help for optimal (i.e. tighter control) on the temps…

Just wondering ...

No I didn't. I talked to the manufacturer and he said try it without it.
I got a 1 or 2º temp swing so felt I didn't need to do it.
yes, still working out all the details, but have come to find a lot of the information I have been looking for to get started. Looking like it will have up to 16 channels for sensors, 1 for smoker (or maybe one at three different levels) and rest for meats. Definitely wifi for access from a tablet/smartphone/pc...can't stand the low distances from the maverick's. Might even end up with at touch display. Just sourcing out all the parts and coming up with a usable form factor. I will keep posted.
benjammn said:
yes, still working out all the details, but have come to find a lot of the information I have been looking for to get started. Looking like it will have up to 16 channels for sensors, 1 for smoker (or maybe one at three different levels) and rest for meats. Definitely wifi for access from a tablet/smartphone/pc...can't stand the low distances from the maverick's. Might even end up with at touch display. Just sourcing out all the parts and coming up with a usable form factor. I will keep posted.

Hey Ben, you might want to start a new post under Upgrades to track your progress on a new PID!  Sounds really interesting!