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Auber Instructions / Re: Smoker/meat temp and step end notifications on phone?
« Last post by valleskm on April 18, 2024, 07:33:44 PM »
Hi LarryD
I'm with you. The whole wifi setup and use is confusing. I got a used #2 wifi recently, and the wifi connection, plus the not-so-clear wifi manual are what took the longest to get through. I spent the first hour trying to connect a Gen2 controller to the Gen1 app, without knowing there were two different apps  :). So I had to dig around some to try to figure it all out. That's the only reason I understand some of this now. Here's what I can tell you:
-There have been two Smokin It controllers and two apps since 2021, Gen1 and Gen2. The Gen2s are after 9/18/2021, the Gen2 controller should say Gen2 on it, and the Gen2 app is the one with the red icon in the Google Play store, not the black one (the Smokin-It WiFi app you mentioned is really just the same as the Gen2 app) (see the attached pictures for the Gen2 controller and app).
-You can't use the Gen2 app with Gen1 controller. However, you can get your Gen1 controller updated to Gen2 by Auber. The only thing is that it's a hardware update, so you have to physically detach your controller and send it in to them. If I remember right, they charged something like $40, plus you have to pay for shipping. I had Auber upgrade mine to Gen2, and it works fine.
-Is it worth it? I'm not sure. It sounds like the Gen2 is faster, maybe has better wifi connectivity, and with the new update to the app I like the fact that you get a push notification on your phone when the controller moves on to a new step or ends the program. Can be useful. Seems like the new update also improved some things for the plotting which I don't totally understand. These are the official new updates to the Gen2 app:
What's new
* Fixed a bug in sending notifications to the app.
* Added new features to the data plot: Y-axis scale adjustment, data plot line selection, and quick note.
* Updated alarm notification icon.
So if you're already using Gen2 controller and app, I'd say updating the app is definitely worth it. If you're on Gen1, you'll have to weigh whether you want to send in your controller and pay for the hardware update to be able to use the Gen2 app. I thought it was worth it for me because I got the whole smoker for a pretty good price, so wanted to have the latest controller/app too.

Overall, Smokin It customer service was good, but not too helpful on the wifi part. Auber seems to put out some confusing products, but in general I thought their customer service was pretty responsive and helpful.

Anyway, hope that can help some. Good luck!

Auber Instructions / Re: Smoker/meat temp and step end notifications on phone?
« Last post by LarryD on April 18, 2024, 02:02:15 AM »
>So Auber will be releasing a new Smokin It app version (v2.4.1_build2175) in the next few days that should resolve this.

In reality, Auber released a totally new application named Smokin-It WiFi and not an update to the Smokin-It app.  As auber has a long history of not having any idea how to write or manage software, this isn't surprising.

Anyway, that explains why I didn't see an update for the app on my phone.  Is the new app compatible with the older 3DW or only new models?  If the old app is working for me, is there any reason to install and use the new one?
Auber Instructions / Re: Smoker/meat temp and step end notifications on phone?
« Last post by LarryD on April 18, 2024, 01:54:36 AM »
Yes, I think if I understand LarryD right he's saying he's not seeing that app update on his phone

Correct...  I don't have my apps set to auto-update, so if I'm on the latest version I'm not sure how/why.  I'm on version 2.1.12...  what is the latest?
Pork / Re: Time
« Last post by LarryD on April 18, 2024, 01:49:45 AM »
>It should take at least 8 hours, assuming you wrap after 5 hours.

I never wrap... just not worth the waste and effort.  My philosophy is that every time I open the door I just let out smoke, heat, and moisture for no good reason.  It has served me well...
Model 2 & 2D - The Middle Kid / Re: Brining Brisket
« Last post by LarryD on April 18, 2024, 01:46:25 AM »
I've always brined mine and it works out great.  I think I've only ever had a single brisket that I felt was a flop.
Introductions / Re: Hello from Minnesota
« Last post by LarryD on April 18, 2024, 01:45:28 AM »
I think that the #3 is an excellent choice.  I have the 3DW and often wish it was just the 'dumb' smoker.  I started with a #2 and it was more enjoyable.
Introductions / Re: Hello from Minnesota
« Last post by old sarge on April 12, 2024, 07:32:03 PM »
Welcome Richard from SE Arizona.
Introductions / Re: Hello from Minnesota
« Last post by Lonzinomaker on April 12, 2024, 03:44:36 PM »
Welcome to the forum. I went analog figuring to add a controller later, but have decided I don't need one for the types of smoking I do.
My #3 does salmon very well, along with jerky, pork shoulders for pulled pork, meat loaf and baked potatoes and of course bacon.
Introductions / Hello from Minnesota
« Last post by Reinhold on April 11, 2024, 10:13:37 PM »

Joined the form as I am working to finalize my purchase decision and currently leaning toward the SI 3 Analog.   I am not totally opposed to the digital unit, but was really looking to keep it simple while also enjoying some great results.    My hesitation with the Analog unit is temperature control for Salmon.     

Hello to all and appreciate hearing about your results with Salmon on an Analog smoker.

Anything Goes!! / Re: Eclipse
« Last post by old sarge on April 10, 2024, 09:16:04 PM »
Good photo Ken. Thanks!
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