Smokin-It User Forum!

Smokin-It Smokers => Model 3 & 3D - The Big Brother => Topic started by: tigerfan79 on January 25, 2016, 11:24:41 AM

Title: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: tigerfan79 on January 25, 2016, 11:24:41 AM
I'm a little late registering, but wanted to post my experience so far as it may help someone who may be on the fence about purchasing.  I searched for months before deciding and can honestly say I have no regrets.  As far as my cooking/smoking background I own a large Big Green Egg as well as a large wood burning smoker that is mounted on a trailer (made from a large propane tank).  In the past I have always had a bias against electric smokers, but the model 3 has changed that....we have used it almost every weekend since the purchase and have produced some great meat/poultry!

When shopping I compared the two other brands closely associated, but was sold on this model based on the depth and the fact that I would not have to cut my briskets or ribs in halves to fit them.  Not to mention, the price cannot be beat.  The only thing I am considering adding is the digital setup, however, I'm not sure how it can produce any better results than what I've seen so far.

In regards to my other two grills/smokers, I won't be getting rid of them because they all have a place and play a certain role.  If I want the raw experience of wood smoking/tending the fire/hanging out with friends for most the day then the big trailer smoker can't be beat.  For grilling, the egg produces awesome results but for smoking it will now take a back seat to the model 3...not necessarily for taste because they both produce awesome smoked meat, but for convenience.  I cannot stress enough how nice it is to put the meat in, turn the knob, and completely forget about it until my temp sensor goes off.  And because of this, we have used the model 3 smoker way more frequently than my other two in the short time we've owned it.

Just wanted to give my experience because I had a lot of questions and this forum was extremely helpful in my decision process.
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: old sarge on January 25, 2016, 11:50:16 AM
Great post.
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: RG on January 25, 2016, 12:34:24 PM
I love hearing this kind of stuff! Not that I or any of us need any validation mind you :P

I too come from a background of using multiple cookers and decided to buy a #3 and have loved it! I have (almost ashamed to admit) 3 Kamados, 2 pellet poopers and a gasser but the idea of electric intrigued me enough to try it. Like you, I couldn't be happier with the Smokin-It!!

With that said, welcome to the Club!!
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: DivotMaker on January 25, 2016, 07:59:45 PM
Fantastic, Matt!  That's the kind of comments that make our hearts pump a little faster!  You are absolutely right - the SI is not the only game in town; all your smokers/cookers have their place.  But, that "convenience factor" is also what swayed me.  Before, smoking anything was an all-day event, and a lot of work, therefore, I didn't do much!  I use my SI ten times more than any other smoker...just too easy NOT to!  Nice to "fight fire" when you feel the need, but most of the time you just want some great Q with as little effort as possible!

...Welcome to Club Lazy Q! 8)
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: NDKoze on January 25, 2016, 09:44:59 PM
Welcome from ND Matt! I too have several types of smokers, but the convenience of the SI just can't be beat.
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: tigerfan79 on January 25, 2016, 10:13:25 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome.  Hope to be posting back soon with some "q view" pictures.
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: coachB on January 28, 2016, 02:57:56 PM

The reason to go digital with the SI is you will experience even more precision than is available with the standard unit.  Temps hold within a degree or two and being able to set several programs (if desired) regarding stages of heating and shutoff times make "easy-Q" even better.  Another plus over the competition beside the cost factor is the longer warranty which Steve provides.  Any replacement parts beyond warranty period are reasonable and user friendly.  And the customer service is incomparable.

Enjoy your SI unit and welcome to the forum.  It has a great bunch of helpful members and Divot has a huge patience level with any problems and questions that may arise.
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: DivotMaker on January 28, 2016, 07:03:34 PM
Thanks, Bill! 
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: 40 caliber on April 12, 2016, 05:29:42 AM

The reason to go digital with the SI is you will experience even more precision than is available with the standard unit.  Temps hold within a degree or two and being able to set several programs (if desired) regarding stages of heating and shutoff times make "easy-Q" even better.  .

I am seriously considering ditching my 2 for a 3 or 3D. I am stuck for over a month trying to figure this out.  since the 2 is only 6 months old, I don't want to make the mistake again.
Does the 3d provide better meals due to it's consistency? I am so happy with the analog, not sure what I get here.

I do get the convenience of the timer but it's not like you can leave near the end if you are monitoring IT right?

I am not trying to be a pain, I have been stuck on this one and really want to pull the trigger soon on a new unit. any comments will help


Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: old sarge on April 12, 2016, 04:03:57 PM
A D model will allow you to program in a keep warm mode after a timed or IT cook is complete. I think you can do that with the stand alone Auber. Not sure. As you know the 3 is larger/deeper and has a correspondingly larger element. As for food quality I cannot recall any post saying a larger smoker makes better Q. Just more of it.
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: NDKoze on April 12, 2016, 04:22:50 PM
I don't have an Auber model, but I don't think you are going to get any better food results. Like Sarge said you are going to get more programming options that can make your Lazy Q process even more lazy because you can set a program that would have to be done manually otherwise. For example, you can program to run at 150 for 30 minutes, increase to 225, and then decrease to 140 when the internal temp of the meat gets to 188 degrees. If you do this manually, you are going to get the same results. This just automates the process.

The temp swings really do not make a difference for "most" smokes. When smoking jerky and fish where you do not want to temp to spike over a certain temperature is an example of where temp swings could cause a problem.

But, if you are talking about smoking Boston Butts, Briskets, Ribs, or Poultry, I don't think you would notice any difference in the results.
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: 40 caliber on April 12, 2016, 07:04:49 PM
Thanks guys, yea, I am leaning toward the 3. more gadgets just mean something else to go wrong.

Sarge, I was talking about better food from the D due to it's consistency and less swings. the food is so good with my analog 2 I couldn't imagine.  I get the size isn't going to impact the food taste.

I'm not really thinking about jerky. more inclined to the ribs, butts, briskets etc...

Thanks guys, didn't mean to hijack the thread, ..... back to regular programming

Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: old sarge on April 12, 2016, 08:41:03 PM
Nothing ventured, nothing gained :)
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: DivotMaker on April 12, 2016, 08:48:26 PM
Tom, just a quick nickel's worth of 2ยข...

You won't get "better" food from a D model, or added Auber standalone PID.  What you will get is consistency, accuracy, and options.  Consistency in temp means more predictable times, and less chance of ruining something that can't stand high temps, even temporarily, like fish and jerky.  Accuracy....see "consistency," above.  Options.... Great to have the ability to set different temps and triggers for more complicated smoking profiles, like for bacon, hams, etc.  Also great to have it automatically throttle-down for a long "hold" at 140, while waiting for dinner!

You'll never make better food than you will in the standard model, but you'll be more "in control" with PID control!
Title: Re: New Owner - Impressions after Two Months of Use
Post by: SuperDave on April 12, 2016, 09:43:46 PM
Thanks guys, yea, I am leaning toward the 3. more gadgets just mean something else to go wrong.
Not if but when.  This is why I'm one of the few that would only want my PID to be separate so that I'm not SOL on a big smoke weekend.  But like the individuality of how we all like our meat a little different, we all have different likes and needs in how our smoker is designed.